Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Little Ones for the Weekend?

Yes, we had two little guys spend the night last weekend.  Jacob, 7, and Justin, 5.  These guys are too cute!  I took them to see The Lion King 3D, they had fun.  The real fun started when we came home and spent time with Lenny and L.T.  Lenny made a bon fire for them at night.  They made smores and had a blast poking at the fire pit.  Always a great time wrestling around with L.T. and taking a walk to the park with me and Meg.  Justin wants to stay for 10,000 days :) 

Wanna see some of the action?

My Life = My Family

So....a little about the ones who love ME for ME, aka - my husband and kids.  Wow, did I ever luck out in the spousal choice.  Not only is he a great hubby and totally awesome dad, he is my best friend.  He makes me laugh so much, usually on a daily basis.  We have our moments, for sure, but at the end of the day, I know he will always have my back.  I'm talking about this guy:

Some things I want to remember about Lenny:

All about his kids
great cook
biggest Steelers fan
loves his DD coffee and donuts
happy to just chill at home
movie nights
hard worker
great brother

Now comes a little bit about my baby girl.  My first born, who is now (since she's 20 years old!) my best friend.  Oh boy do we laugh together.  I think she has the same sense of humor as me that's for sure.  She's a drama queen, always has been, always will be.  We disagree sometimes, of course.  You know, the mother/daughter relationship can't go without that.  Looks just like her dad and Aunt Kath.  Acts like her Mama :).

Here's Megan:

Can  I tell you some interesting things about this girl?

Awesome friend
Loves old people (like me)
does not lie
good head on her shoulders
balances work/school/life like a champ
healthy eater
takes care of herself
outspoken (hello?)
Loyal big sister
Don't dis'll be on the list
loves roast and veggies, oh, and mashed potatoes/gravy
can NOT deal with any blood/needle/medical things
loves, loves, loves her Yorkie; Sofia
has big plans for her future
best daughter ever

Okay, last but not least, it's the baby boy, my L.T.  He will always be my baby, I just can't help it.  I can still hear him asking me to rub his head so he can take a nap.  Oh, wait....that was last week, lol.  He's a great kid.  L.T. is very caring, just like his Dad.  Although I don't think his Dad sees that just yet, but I know once he gets through these teenage years and becomes a MAN, he'll be a great guy just like Len AND Poppy.

Anyway, here he is:

This pic highlights a VERY proud day for L.T.  His first buck.  That's right, 11 points, wooo  hoooo!  Way to go bud!  And with an arrow?  Good aim or what?

Some interesting facts about this kid:

always on the go
loves Chevy trucks
baseball since age 5 (and pretty darn good)
working full-time at the age of 17 ALL summer, wow that's rare
very laid back
dips his brocolli in ketchup, what?
has a great smile
looks like his Mom :) (forehead)
is a SENIOR this year! how did that happen?
duck/deer hunting keep him very busy
doesn't like to lose in ANY game
great with his cousins (they love him)
will not hear an alarm clock unless it goes off to go hunting
fun loving

So, that's my family.  They're all mine and I love them to the moon and back.